Tìm Kiếm

Tiếng Anh 6 Unit 16

A. Animals and plants (A1, 2)
I. Objectives
- Students will be able to identify quantities of food; ask and answer about quantities.
II. Language content
1. Vocabulary : 
- produce  (v) sản xuất
- grow      (v) trồng, mọc
- buffalo  (n) con trâu
- plow      (v) cày
- pull        (v) kéo, lôi
- cart        (n) xe bò
- cow       (n) con bò cái
- cat         (n) con mèo
     2.  Structures:
some rice/ a lot of rice/ a little rice
some eggs/ a lot of eggs/ a few eggs
How much … ? How many … ?
III/ Teaching aids :
Cassette tape and player, text book, chalks, pictures (A1, 2) ……
IV. Procedure
            * Organization
            * New lesson
1). Warm up
Teacher’s activities
Students’ activities
- T presents the new lesson. - T asks sts to look at the pictures on page 166.
- T presents the grammar notes.
- T gives feedback.
- Sts listen and write down. - Sts look at the pictures and identify quantities of rice abd eggs.
- Sts listen and write down.
- Sts listen and read the sentences loudly.
A1. Listen and repeat. some rice/ a lot of rice/ a little rice
some eggs/ a lot of eggs/ a few eggs
a little + dt không đếm được
a few  + dt đếm được số nhiều
a little milk
a few cows
2). Presentation
- T asks sts to look at the picture in part A2. - T gives feedback and presents the lesson.
- T  asks sts to listen to the tape.
- T presents new words and
- T gives feedback.
- T asks sts to listen to the tape again.
- T asks sts to read text loudly.
- T gives feedback.
- Sts look at the picture and describe.

- Sts listen to the tape.
- Sts write down and read the words loudly.
- Sts listen to the tape.

- Sts read loudly.
A2. Listen and read. Then answer the questions. Vocabulary : 
- produce  (v) sản xuất
- grow      (v) trồng, mọc
- buffalo  (n) con trâu
- plow      (v) cày
- pull        (v) kéo, lôi
- cart        (n) xe bò
- cow       (n) con bò cái
- cat         (n) con mèo
How much … ?
How many … ?
3). Practice
- T asks sts to ask and answer the questions on page 167. - T checks and gives feedback. - Sts practice asking and asnwering the questions. A2. a/ Mr Hai produces a lot of rice.
b/ Yes, he does.
c/ He also has a few fruit trees. They produce a little fruit.
d/ They produce a little milk.
e/ They produce a lot of eggs.
4). Consolidation
- T asks sts some questions. - T gives feedback.
- Sts listen and answer. What does your mother/ father do? Does he grow any rice?
How much rice does he produce?
How many ……………. ?
How much ……………. ?
5). Homework
- Memorize new words and structures.
- Write the answers in the note book.
- Prepare revision for the test.
A. Animals and plants (A3,6)
I. Objectives
- Students will be able to identify quantities of food; talk about protecting the environment.
II. Language content
     * Structures:
some / a lot of / a little / a few
Why …?     Because …….
III/ Teaching aids :
Cassette tape and player, text book, chalks, pictures
IV. Procedure
   * Organization
   * New lesson
1). Warm up
Teacher’s activities
Students’ activities
- T presents the new lesson. - T asks sts to look at the pictures on page 167.
- T review the grammar notes.
- Sts listen and write down. - Sts look at the pictures and identify quantities of things.
- Sts notice
A1. Listen and repeat. some / a lot of / a little / a few
some eggs/ a lot of eggs/ eggs
Þ         protecting the environment.
2). Presentation
- T asks sts to notice the grammar notes. - T gives feedback. - Sts write down and notice.
Structures: Why …?  Because …….
3). Practice
- T asks sts to look at the pictures in part A3. - T  asks sts to listen to the tape.
- T gives feedback.

- T asks sts to listen to the tape again.
- T asks sts to read text loudly.
- T gives feedback.
- Sts look at the picture and describe. - Sts listen to the tape.
- Sts write down and give the answers
- Sts listen to the tape.

- Sts read loudly.
A3. Listen write …….. Answers:
some: b, f
a few: d
a little: e
a lot of: a, c
Tape transcript:
a/ There are a lot of potatoes.
b/ There are some tomatoes
c/ There are a lot of onion
d/ There are a few vegetables
e/ There is a little rice
f/ There are some flowers
4). Consolidation
- T asks sts to ask and answer the questions on page 168. - T checks and gives feedback.
- Sts practice asking and asnwering the questions. A5 a/ because there are more people
b/ because they need more fields
c/ because people/ we are destroying their home and their environment.
A6. Remember
5). Homework
- Memorize new words and structures.
- Write the answers in the note book.
- Prepare B1 on pages 169-170.
V. Feedback